
ABOUT International Credit Program

Tung Fang Design University

Tung Fang Design University focuses on providing innovative and academic summer credit courses and overseas learning experiences for college/university students to enhance their global exposure and international perspective.

Tung Fang Design University operation team are "global citizens" who are dedicated to student learning and success. Our academic team coordinates and oversee academic policies and curriculum design, to ensure that high standards of academic integrity are adhered to across our course offerings. Our professors are comprised of professionals with different cultures and perspectives which inevitably fosters a global perspective in the classroom which enhances student engagement and growth.

Tung Fang Design University has successfully partnered with universities across the globe, including several major universities in the USA and China. Graduating students become a member of the Tung Fang Design University Alumni Association and will have continued interactions with their fellow international students from countries around the world.



一、 关于国际學分课程项目

1. 项目简介


2. 课程设置


3. 学分课程大网


1. 海外学生(含中国大陆学生)

2. 台湾本地学生



1. 海外学生(含中国大陆学生)

 申请人需填写《東方设计大学国际學分课程报名申请表-国际学生申请表》,与在校证明或成绩单、护照首页复印件一并提交至我校国际學分课程项目邮箱inter_coop@mail.tf.edu.tw

‚ 收到报名申请后,本项目工作人员将回复邮件确认报名成功。

2. 台湾学生

 申请人需填写《東方科技大学国际學分课程报名申请表》,与“学校成绩单(或在读证明)”、“身份证复印件”一并提交至我校国际學分课程项目邮箱。

‚ 收到报名申请后,本项目工作人员将回复邮件确认报名成功。